Use the accompaniment of a life coach to create your life project

Originally, coaching only existed in sports. Having spread to management and personal life, it is in great demand. Thus, to cope with a given situation, one has recourse to the support of a life coach. However, it is important to choose your life coach carefully, especially if you need support in creating a life project.

More about coaching and life coaches

The term "coach" comes, as this Anglicism indicates, from the field of sport. Etymologically, a coach is an instructor who coaches his team to success. Cemétier, engendered in the practice of high-level sports, has spread to the field of management. In fact, coaches first intervened in institutions to enthuse workers, reform salesmen's results or to strengthen the esprit de corps of these workers. Nowadays, and for some years now, there are coaches in all areas of personal life: self-realisation, recovery after a marital break-up, makeover, agreement between professional and personal life, children's education, etc. TV programmes have made a "commercial" of it by increasing the number of programmes that feature coaches interfering in people's daily lives. Nevertheless, having neither followed an adequate training nor obtained a diploma in this field, many people call themselves life coaches. Thus, before resorting to the accompaniment of a life coach, one should make sure that he or she has received consistent training or references, has significant experience as well as a palpable practice of psychotherapy. In this way, you will be spared from fraudsters.

What does it mean to become a life coach?

First of all, to become a life coach, you will have to train as a coach, and with training fees that are not necessarily expensive, it's as easy as it is enjoyable. You will just have to make the right selection of training, choosing in such a way that it meets the criteria of the IFC (International Coaching Federation). This training allows, in addition to doing a work on oneself, to distinguish the attitude of a coach and to equip oneself with the necessary tools for the exercise of the profession. On the other hand, finding clients and increasing one's activity are a challenge to be taken up. However, this is where the life coach will really operate and make use of the tools he has learned in order to move forward and acquire the skills he needs but also to set a positive vision on selling his know-how and services as a life coach.such in all sectors where the entrance fee is very affordable, succeeding as a life coach requires the development of values for which trainings cannot fully prepare. Indeed, the remuneration figures for life coaches are generally around the minimum wage, if they are not forced to return to a salaried job, having no clients.

Creating a life project proven by coaching

Discovering one's life project is an enriching practice, both on a personal level and in the interventions of life coaches. To anticipate an ordeal or a passage in one's life path requires going beyond the simple recollection of anteriority and reality. It is about evoking and opening up to a future, a process of transmutation of condition, work and life project. It is, among other things, with the objective of accompanying this process of change that the life coach intervenes. This accompaniment can be done individually or through a training workshop that can be approached in two (02) forms: self coaching and training in a coaching tool. This workshop is open to all. Its objectives are to: identify the important elements of the life project in follow-up coaching, assimilate attachments, values and necessities in life projects, create one's life project by referring to one's common thread and learn the use of a life project implementation grid.